The concept of “unicorn” stocks – those that go from several million dollars in value to several billion dollars in value – is the almost exclusive domain of technology stocks. From Amazon to Netflix to Apple and Microsoft – technology stocks have generated more transformational wealth than any other sector in modern times by a wide margin.

Finding the next unicorn in technology is an exercise in “asymmetrical” thinking; in short, understanding “where the puck is going to be, not where it is”, as hockey great Wayne Gretzky famously said.

The trick with getting in early – the most important element in locking in potential gains in the thousands of percent – is having the intelligence and the courage to invest where others are not yet putting their money. In fact, the most common factor shared by billionaire investors who reap mega-size wins again and again is that they were willing to go all-in on sectors that were on Page 16 of the Wall Street Journal, and held on until they became Page 1 stories.

There are some major shifts happening right now on the technological landscape, and this crop of picks are sure to be the beneficiaries of escalating revenue as a result.