If you're new to Money Magnet Alerts or have any questions about how they work, watch this video first.

[Explainer Intro on why this trade was chosen.]

Here's what we're doing...

  • [Buy-To-Open/Sell-To-Open, etc.] the [Company Name] ([exchange: ticker]) [expiration date], $[strike price] [call or put] ([full options ticker]) up to $[entry price] per contract or better, [for the day or good til canceled].

If shares of [Company Name] ([exchange: ticker]) move as expected we should see [profit $/% outcome].


In your brokerage account, locate the [company ticker, expiration date, strike price, call/put].

The symbol is [full options symbol/ticker].

Search for options under the stock ticker: [company ticker].

Make sure you choose the right options expiration (expiring on [expiration date]).

Choose the $[strike price] strike price.

Select "[call or put]" options. Select how many contracts to buy.

Once you have the right contract, click "[buy to open/sell to open, etc.]".

Choose "limit order." (This sets the max price you'll pay per contract).

Use a limit of $[entry price] per contract.

Click "[Day/GTC]" for TIF (Time In Force).

Then click "[buy/sell]" to transmit the order.

You can also call your broker and say, "I want to [instructions if given verbally to broker]."

I’ll be in touch soon,

Josh Martinez,

Money Magnet Alerts

P.S. ~ Don't forget to sign up for SMS Text Alerts if you haven't already. The easy form is on the right-hand side of this page.