Dear New Money Club Member,

Happy money morning!

Yesterday, we jumped back into VALE calls on the stock’s pullback for a great entry.

Right now, our calls are trading at $0.42, which means closing at that price will book us a 110% gain … overnight!

We’ve earned the right to take our profit, so let’s sell into this move.

Acton to Take: Sell to Close Vale SA (NYSE: VALE) Dec. 24, 2020, $16 calls (VALE201224C00016000) at the market.

Here’s what to do…

In your brokerage account, locate the VALE Dec. 24, 2020, $16 call.

Locate the options in your portfolio with the ticker: VALE. (The symbol is VALE201224C00016000.)

Select how many contracts you want to sell.

Once you have the right contract, click “Sell to Close.”

Choose “Market.”

Then click "Sell" to transmit the order.

You can also call your broker and say, "I want to Sell to Close VALE Dec. 24, 2020, $16 calls (VALE201224C00016000) at the market."

Congrats on your winning trade. This is our FOURTH straight win! And the best part is, the party is just getting started. You can expect plenty more wins to follow … that’s the power of the New Money Monitor.

I love hearing about your success, so please take a few moments to let me know how YOU personally fared in this trade. You can email me here:

Joshua M. Belanger

New Money Club