Liquidated ROKU 16 NOV 54/52 Bull Put Spread at $1.95 for Net Debit of $1.05 while underlying was $43.94 AND Filled on ROKU 23 NOV 44/42 Bull Put Spread at $.95 while underlying was $43.34
Let’s roll our Bull Put Spread on Roku Inc (ROKU) and buy more time. If you don’t already have the position on, it’s ok to initiate a new position.
Ticker Symbol: ROKU
Expiration: November 16, 2018
Liquidate Bull Put Spread
Buy to Close the 54 Put
Sell to Close the 52 Put
Current midprice is $1.96. Max loss is $2.00 if we don’t do anything – both strikes are in the money. However, let’s try to save a few cents and get between $1.90 to $1.97 if possible.
Expiration: November 23, 2018
Initiate Bull Put Spread
Sell to Open the 44 Put
Buy to Open the 42 Put
The midprice is currently showing $1.00. Let’s look for a CREDIT of between $.95 and $1.05 TODAY ONLY.