Filled on the COF DEC 97.5 Strike Price CALL Option at $5.65 while underlying was at $99.29

Double Trigger Trader (Red Line) New Trade Alert

Capital One Financial Corp. (COF) is a Double Trigger 90 day high followed by 10 day low closing at the top of range. The trend is strong and it looks like it’s going to test highs again.

Ticker: COF

Place GTC order to Buy on a stop at $99.29 – if not filled during the next 3 trading session (by Thursday afternoon – September 6, 2018) we’ll cancel the order.

If filled – place protective sell stop at $97.79

If trading options wait till underlying is filled.
Buy the DECEMBER 97.5 Strike Price CALL Option expiring December 21, 2018.
Pay no more than $5.80 – please do not buy the option if COF stock does not trade at $99.29 or higher between now and Thursday.